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Blog Article Count:  5








{jb_dropcap}I{/jb_dropcap}n queste pagine trovi alcuni fatti, idee e pensieri del mio quotidiano: รจ il mio BLOG.

{jb_dropcap}I{/jb_dropcap}n these pages you will find some facts, ideas and thoughts of my daily life: it is my BLOG.






Machinima Article Count:  9



I've always been actracted from  multimedia certainly because of my studies (rather diversified).

After some of time I went into Second Life (ages ago now) someone asked me to follow the music for a series of fashion parades: it seemed the end like this!

And instead, after a while, someone asked me to do even the promotional and documental photos to be included in a web site; the passage from photos to videos was consequent (and a heartfelt thanks to Riakee for having stimulated me about this choice).

Since that age I have made many, many videos by the technique of Machinima for different occasions: fashion parades, weddings, birthdays, parties, promotionals, art exhibitions, etc. etc.. of different lenghts, and practically always "on the fly", without my poses, stop and go, ".... a moment please ....", no repeat.

My videos are around on the Internet: some of these ones are obviously private (eg weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, ....) and I can not put them in public, but others ones aren't: in fact their main purpose is just to be in the audience more as possible and in this section of my Site I wanted to put some of which I hope may be of interest for you.

I plane to make an original video, a short film, which see the light as soon as possible ....

If you can not see anything or almost because you probably need the right codecs: these are small programs that read the original file and translate it into what we call video. Codecs are obviously free and can usually be found on the Internet; For my videos I usually use those for DivX, mp4, and Flash.
Take a look at the player's control bar to see if the following videos can be seen in HD full screen because often they are.

If you want say me something I'm know in Second Life as EMME Emmons.

88x31This work is distribuited with Creative Commons Attribution - Non commercial - Non derivative works 3.0 Unported.


 SOTR logo

I've always like science and interes from immemorial time and for a while I even studied it for duty!

By chance i met this group and a little for time I became collaborator during regular meetings that was held in Second Life; especially for these seasons i created some summery videos about various "conversations" and what was discussed and various interested topics, always in a simple and affordable language for everyone.

Often I came to think: but if I continued to study science now as it would be my life.

But i haven't regrets.

Click on the logo or on the top menu and ....... enjoy it!

 MED Expo Logo

For the Land of Second Life Mediterraneo-OC I made several videos related to events, art exhibitions organized by me, etc., 
After many years, Mediterraneo still exists and once there was also a reference site that no longer exists: you can find some videos on Youtube but I don't know how to give you the Links and then you can watch through this website of mine.


A few years ago I accidentally met a dance group that organized shows in Second Life: it seemed like an occasional event, once and that's it.

This exceptional group unfortunately broke up a few years ago but there are still some wonderful memories: with its 2 new shows every year and a lot of replay it had become a fixed appointment for SL fans, and an example of how people from all over the world can be together. realizing a really good thing.

To see the full (long) videos click on the link below: or on the top menu to see some extract videos, more short, everything I made for them.

Click here for the video for "La Performance"


In the follow list you find some of videos I created and which are not covered in the previous sections because occasional or not owned by a specific section.

Musics Article Count:  6


In this section of my personal website you will find some of my musical compositions: some are elaborations from the original, others are completely composed by me.

I hope they will interest you and communicate what I wanted to say in writing them.

Music, the voice of the soul, has this beauty: that you can understand in every part of the world and in every culture what the author wanted to express but could not do by words.

As usual, I only ask you to express your applause or criticism, perhaps adding some suggestions to improve me.


La Performance Article Count:  6



Someone might say that this is not really dancing but a feint; I do not agree at all as the seriousness, the passion, the tension, the mental concentration, the times are completely equal to what would be necessary to set up a similar show in the real world (in which I also participated as an organizer).

In fact, it is necessary to know that behind a show of "La Performance" there is a long commitment of preparation for the scenes, the dance movements in synchrony with the music and the music itself, and that after this preparatory work other ones are usually necessary. 3 months of tests 3 times a week to refine everything and get to this result; and similar to reality are the anxieties and fears of the dancers.

Anyone who thinks it's just "sit on the ball" is wrong and big too !!!!
I participate in the rehearsals to understand the show that will come and I start thinking about how to put the virtual "camera" to better convey the spirit of the dance, if and how to add special effects to the final montage, arrange the music: in short, still another 3-4 months after the last rerun in order to get to the final video of the entire show.

Below you can find some EXTRACTS from loooong longer videos that I created by recording the shows of this fantastic international dance group: they are the dances that more than others in my opinion I managed to do better, that give me more birth than others particular emotions.


For the complete videos and all the details of the shows, I refer you to the official website of the group: