My first and for now only Art exhibition in SL that i have not organized but I attended.
The "collective" exhibition took place at the famous gallery "Nordam Art" by Flora Nordenskiold (which just after inexplicably and suddenly closed, I hope to have not been the cause!) and opened January 24, 2012 with a maximun of 200 prims.
It was to pick a poem by a neapolitan poet Carmen Auletta as inspiration to create freely an Art work.
Me and my dearest friend Rumegusc Altamura (who in the meantime has just become the CEO of Altamura, in short, the body mesh) chose the poem "Core Scuro" and we attended: she built a room with various objects that were in some way related to the poetry, and I developed you can see below: both the graphics and the music are mine, and the video was projected on the walls of the room.
The text that you see on the video is the original poem with its translation in English.
The format is DivX.